Consulting/Coaching/Training products and programs:
1) Fixed Operations Consulting/Coaching “Onsite”– Comprehensive Financial and Operational Analysis with an intense focus on identifying and leveraging areas of greatest revenue opportunity and implementation of proven best practices. Time is spent one-on-one with management and front lines employees for service advisor training, etc.
2) Consulting/Coaching “Remote/Virtual” – Highly effective Zoom-type virtual consulting, coaching, and distance learning with managers and advisors. This is a great follow-up to our Onsite program or even works as a stand-alone solution.
3) Warranty Compliance Audit–Improve your quality of life and sleep better, knowing your dealership will survive an audit.
Warranty Reimbursement products and programs:
1) “Test Drive” program –This is a deep dive into your financials to determine the potential revenue opportunity that can result from a warranty labor and or parts submission to the OEM. Results are typically within 3 business days of receipt of data and are then reviewed with dealer management to determine the best course of action.
3) “Margin Plus” – this program includes A-Z submission to the OEM for warranty labor and/or parts margin increase for one flat fee. Approval history is 99% of what we submit for and typically happens within 30-45 days of filing. Average 8X ROI.
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1225 Mudbrook Rd Suite A. Huron, OH 44839
(419) 433-8219